Why A New Smile?

Flaws in your smile, even minor ones, can have a negative impact on your quality of life..... from self-image to relationships (social and romantic) to career opportunities. This reality is backed by a study showing that ......

  • 87% of adults acknowledge that they will remember someone with an attractive smile;
  • 74% of adults believe that an unattractive smile can hurt career opporutnities;
  • 92% of adults agree that an attractive smile is an important social asset.

But.......smile flaws need not negatively impact your life.
Today, using state-of-the-art cosmetic techniques, all of the following unattractive smile flaws can be easily corrected:

  • Dull or discoloured teeth
  • Poorly aligned teeth
  • Exposed partial denture hooks
  • Worn down teeth
  • Teeth that are too long
  • Teeth that are too short
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Crowded or crooked teeth
  • Gaps or missing teeth
  • Visible fillings or crowns
  • Too much gum showing
  • Uneven teeth
  • Teeth that protrude

Regardless of how minor or major your smile flaws are, you can benefit from the high standards we have set for delivering the utmost quality of dental treatment available, so you can have a smile so stunning and memorable that it WILL.....
turn heads, give you more confidence, and make you look and feel younger.



The Dental Dimensions

South San Jose, CA Dentist

5710 Cahalan Ave Ste 3

San Jose, CA 95123-3010 US

(408) 225-6815

West San Jose / Cupertino, CA Dentist

20445 Prospect Road, Suite 3

San Jose, CA 95129 USA

(408) 252-3212